Arden Precinct Masterplan
Key Features
- Masterplan undertaking
- Extensive stakeholder group including Government departments, consultants, project partners and private enterprise
- Integration with the $11B metro rail project including new Arden Station
- Temporary works and strategic staging to overcome overland flows
- Complex soil and contamination conditions
Project Profile
Codicote has been engaged by Development Victoria to provide Specialist Programme Management services for the development of a 30-year master programme and staging plans for their new 50-hectare urban renewal Arden Precinct development in North Melbourne.
Development Victoria, on behalf of The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) is preparing a Masterplan and Development Strategy to establish a pathway for the coordinated design and staged development of State Government land in Arden Central.
Codicote in collaboration with other consultant disciplines and under the direction of Development Victoria’s Precincts Creation team have been specifically tasked to challenge, advance and prove preliminary thinking to inform and shape the Arden Central Masterplan and Development Strategy.
As part of our engagement, we are tasked to explore decision making impacts on possible staging and sequencing scenarios, develop a high-level Delivery Coordination Program, develop a detailed ‘Now Phase’ Delivery Program and associated Staging Plan, inform cost analysis, funding and staging decisions, and inform initial packaging and procurement discussions.
At the Precinct core will be a world-class innovation and technology district catalysed by the new Arden Station, scheduled to open in 2025 as part of the Metro Tunnel Project. The precinct’s transformation will encourage clustering of small and large organisations, with a focus on catalysing and enabling growth in the digital technologies, life sciences, health and education sectors, unlocking opportunities for greater economic output, leveraging capabilities and investment in Victoria’s high-growth knowledge based-industries.
- Development Victoria
- Lyons
- Arcadis
- Aurecon
- $7b
Project Completion:
- Completion Due 2050
- Development Victoria
- Lyons
- Arcadis
- Aurecon
- $7b
Project Completion:
- Completion Due 2050
June 25, 2021